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各种农产品、 花生、 花生米、 花生饼、 茶籽、 茶饼、 茶甜、 各种饼粕、 青茶种子、 香菇木耳、 有机肥料、 茶叶、 各种中药材、 白果(银杏)、 天麻、 夏枯球、 加工购销、

  • 联系人:涂修霖
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首页 > 供应产品 > A【物美价廉】专业厂家直销优质花生 花生饼(Peanut cake)
A【物美价廉】专业厂家直销优质花生 花生饼(Peanut cake)
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 645
发货 湖北
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-02 02:56
详细信息IP属地 广东
欢迎新老客户来电洽谈特别说明:【图片产品属性均以电话或旺旺咨询为准,品质保证,价格更实惠,详情请来电或旺旺咨询】Welcome new and old customers call to discussSpecial note: 【picture of product attributes to telephone or Wangwang Advisory prevail, quality assurance, prices are more affordable, please call or Wangwang Advisory】      公 司 介绍(Company introduction):     我公司位于湖北广水市,以农副土特产品购销加工一条龙服务,有自营进出口权,以诚信为本.购销网络遍及全国各地,港台地区及国外许多国家,实力雄厚,交通便利,愿与商界朋友共同合作。      My company is located in Hubei city of Guangshui, in the agricultural & sideline products processing the purchase and sale of all in one service, have the right to import and export, in good faith-based. Marketing network throughout the country, Hong Kong and Taiwan and many foreign countries, the strength, convenient transportation, is willing to friends and business co-operation.              产 品 展 示(Product show):花生饼产量大,分为花生液压圆饼,花生瓦片饼和花生仁饼。花生果圆饼,蛋白含量36%,花生果片饼蛋白含量38%,花生果片饼,花生仁榨圆满饼,蛋白含量43%,花生瓦片仁饼,蛋白含量48%,都是压榨的,编织袋包装.欢迎订购.Peanut cakepeanutyield,divided intohydraulicround cake,peanutcake,peanut caketiles.Peanutcake,peanutprotein content of 36%,piece ofcake protein contentof 38%,peanut fruitbread,peanut kerneljuiceacake,protein content of 43%tiles,peanutkernel cake,protein content of 48%,aresqueezed,woven bagspackaging.Welcomed the order.买 家 须 知(Buy the home to be know):1.产品质量:我们发货之前都是经过专门的质监部门严格质检,确保无任何质量问题才为你发货2.产品图片:图片均为100%实物拍摄,但是由于光线及显示器的原因,您所看到的图片可能会有轻微的色差问题,这是无法避免的,敬请谅解!3.关于断货:虽然我们是原厂的一手货源,但是线下供货商走货也非常快,我们将尽量保证货源的稳定,但是也不可避免地会出现断货的情况,请客户多多理解。一旦出现断货,我们会在3小时内通知到买家,为您换款,或者48小时内完成退款。4.售后问题:收到货物后,请先检查货物再签单,物品若有损坏或者有缺少请不要签收,先与我们公司联系说明情况并由物流公司人员或者快递人员证明后再做处理。1: our product quality before delivery are specially the quality supervision departments to strictly quality inspection, ensure that no quality problems before the delivery for you2 pictures: pictures for the 100% shot, but due to the reason of light and the display, you can see from the picture may have a slight color difference problem, which is unable to avoid, please understanding!3 of out of stock: Although we are original first-hand sources, but line supplier goods go very fast, we will try to ensure the stability of supply, but also inevitably appears is out of stock situation, please a lot of understanding. once out of stock, we will within 3 hours notice to the buyer, for you to change, or completed within 48 hours.4 customer service problems: after received the goods, please check the goods to sign the bill, if damaged or missing items please don´t sign, the first contact with us to explain the situation and the logistics company personnel or courier prove that after treatment.